Software Packages

  • POCRE:(Zhang, Jiang, Zhang (2018)) Penalized orthogonal-components regression proposed in Zhang D, Lin Y, and Zhang M. (2009). Penalized orthogonal-components regression for large p small n data. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 3: 781-796. [Paper][Reference manual]
  • 2DCOW: Implement the two-dimensional correlation optimized warping algorithm proposed in Zhang D, Huang X, Regnier FE, Zhang M. (2008) Two-dimensional correlation optimized warping algorithm for aligning GC× GC− MS data. Analytical Chemistry. 2008 Apr 15;80(8):2664-71.[Paper]
  • rsq (R package) and RsquareV (SAS Macro). D. Zhang (2017). A coefficient of determination for generalized linear models. The American Statistician, 71(4): 310-316. [Paper][Reference manual]

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